Anna of Sageraw Cosplay is one of those people that everyone wants to have around. Whether it is because she is making sure everyone has the snacks and water they need to make it through the day at a con, or simply because her immense positivity lifts the spirits of everyone in the room, Anna is a treasure in the Dallas/Fort Worth cosplay community.
What initially got you interested in cosplay?
I have always loved wearing costumes and even hosted costume parties for talk like a pirate day, Ren fairs, Halloween, and really any excuse to dress up. My first con was when I decided to cosplay. It was in 2013 and it just seemed like the perfect chance to have some fun.
What was your first convention cosplay experience like?
I remember feeling so excited and absolutely exhausted by the end. I first went to Dallas Fan Days in May 2013 and it was amazing. I was first disappointed because I had decided to go meet Nation Fillion and he had canceled the last minute, but once we got inside it was fantastic. I ran into friends I knew from college and just spent hours walking the floor. Everything was new and exciting. I had made just a quick cosplay of Clara Oswald from Dr Who, not a lot of people recognized her since she was starting in the next season, but it was an easy costume and I worked so hard to get all the details right on her belt. I was more in aw of all of the other costumes I saw that weekend. I didn’t really take may photos of my self but I was hooked after that.
What aspect of cosplay do you most enjoy?
I love the people I meet. When we moved to Dallas I didn’t know anyone, but now I have a huge group of friends and I get so excited to see at all the events. Its amazing to first start out and slowly grow in the community, you meet people with common interest and different points of view. I love being a con mom too, people can always find me if they need a snack or drink or repairs. The community is so great everyone is looking out for each other, helping them grow in their crafts, its been amazing.
What have been the biggest challenges you have faced as a cosplayer?
I really struggle when it comes to deciding on who to cosplay. I have a lot of people on my list, but sometimes I cant decide on which one, or I see a costume I really want to do but I cant figure out how to make it work. Usually the biggest limiting factor is time and skills. If I cant do something I can find someone who knows how but I cant always make it work with the time constraints. I want to do it all, I just need more hours in the day.
What has been your favorite encounter with another fan while cosplaying?
I love when you see a little kids face light up when they see you in costume. The last time I went to Ren Fair, I was dressed as Wonder Woman and this little girl ran up and we had a 15 min conversation where she wanted to become a princes so we had a princess ceremony where I named her princes for the day and she was so excited. I even had what I would call drive by hugging where children would just run up to me and give me a huge hug and then run away with a big smile. I like to bring the magic to life for the kids and see them have a good time.
What are your favorite characters to cosplay and why?
I love to cosplay as characters with big personalities. I have tried stoic characters but I cant seem to stop smiling and it ruins the effect. Put me in a Harley Quinn or Squirrel Girl cosplay and let me loose, I will have everyone laughing by the end of the day. I love making people laugh, if I can get someone to crack a smile I know it will be a good con.
What character(s) have you never cosplayed, but would like to do so in the future?
I really want to cosplay a night elf from World of Warcraft. Its on my list but combines my 2 biggest fears, foam work and body paint. I will do both, but I don’t always like the process. I really want to do more foam work in general, I have done a little but I always get so frustrated when it doesn’t look as clean as I want it to. Also I have been really wanting to finish my Fall Out cosplay. I think I have re done it like 5 times and it just isn’t working how I want it to, so I will try it again over the summer.
Where can you be found online?